Debate and Mock Trial Skills
Argue with Precision
We relish the opportunity to teach students how to argue. Learning razor-sharp debate and trial skills encourages students to take on any opponent. Well-prepared students welcome any challenge regardless of debate or trial position. This is what confidence is all about! We teach students that arguments are not won because of what they know, but based on what they can prove. This is why we focus on evidence, motives and counterarguments. Well-prepared students effectively argue within the confines of technicalities, objectivity and rules.
Gathering Evidence and Report Writing
The most effective debate and trial skills are founded on solid evidence. Without analyzing all points of evidence in depth, arguments will remain vulnerable. This is why report writing is vital. Not only do we teach students how to document evidence like professionals, but we also teach students how to interpret legal terminology and laws. Understanding the difference between the letter of the law from the spirit of the law can be the deciding factor on winning a case. Students must devote exceptional time on gathering key evidence to build and insulate arguments.
Interview Skills
Effective interview skills are not about intimidation, but about asking the right questions. Interview skills are about finding out the truth and all the facts. Students must learn to interview victims, suspects and witnesses with the highest level of integrity and professionalism. Oftentimes, uncovering the truth can be painful. Students must treat all interviewees with the utmost respect and understanding.
Fighting for the Right Reasons
Arguing is not simply about winning. Without ethics, debate and trial skills are nothing. Students must avoid corruption at all costs. Fighting for an argument is twofold. Students must fight for the right reasons and must fight all the way, or not at all. The legal process is not about taking shortcuts, but about fighting within the confines of the rules. We train students to hold themselves accountable at all times.
Get Ready for a Challenge
Top debate and trial skills are not simply applicable to careers in government but can be applied to a wealth of areas. Our Advanced Placement (AP) students learn how to incorporate abstract and concrete concepts to win complex arguments. Nearly all our AP United States Government and Politics and AP Comparative Government and Politics students earn perfect AP 5 scores with our training.