Posts in Sustainability
Our Presidio Education® SF Impact Project 2020

On Saturday, October 31, 2020, our team drove around San Francisco donating new backpacks filled with hygiene supplies, including 1,100 masks, 900 bottles of soap, 600 pairs of socks, 200 bottles of sanitizer, toilet kits, first aid kits, clothes, feminine products, toilet paper, reusable Bisphenol-A (BPA)-free water bottles, drinks and food, for the homeless. We called this our SF Impact Project 2020 because many on our team are either from San Francisco, or neighboring Bay Area cities. This is where we grew up, went to school, played sports, made dreams and went for them. San Francisco is where we learned about cultures, languages, diversity and love.

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Flashback to the Cebu Impact Project

For our summer 2018 Cebu Impact Project, we flew part of our faculty, staff and college intern teams to Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines to donate 280 handpicked Presidio Education® backpacks filled with school supplies for impoverished Hipodromo Elementary School and Adlaon Integrated School first graders. Unfortunately, many of these Cebuano children and their families live far below the poverty line. Many are forced to live in makeshift homes in nearby cemeteries and cannot even afford simple necessities like pencils or used sandals.

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Teaching Students to Build Sustainable Communities

We teach our students to develop sustainable solutions for pressing issues communities face. More than teaching students how to earn high grades or test scores, we want them to understand how to help others, to feel empathy and to make positive impacts within communities. This is why our teachers, staff and college interns try to set positive examples for our students by joining volunteer programs and working to develop Impact Projects, like our Cebu Impact Project. We want students to know that helping others should not just apply to them, but to adults as well!

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