Newsletter #1-September 2019


What’s New This Month

Per requests from parents and students, we would like to announce the start of our monthly newsletter. We are humbled that so many of you have asked us to write blogs about academicsextracurricular activities and even sustainability. We encourage everyone to post comments and share their ideas to foster a strong learning environment. If you would like to request a particular blog topic from our faculty, please contact us! Thank you!

Now, per popular request, we’ve started our blogs off with strategies on “How to Score High on the ACT Reading Test” and “How to Score High on the SAT Reading Test“. Please comment, share and have an awesome start to the school year!

How to Score High on the ACT Reading Test

By Ryan Young, English Teacher

Students should welcome the ACT Reading Test as a very student-friendly and predictable test. Although reading speed and vocabulary take considerable time to develop, highly motivated students have the potential to score very high even if they started with low scores…

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How to Score High on the SAT Reading Test

By Ryan Young, English Teacher

Unfortunately, the SAT Reading Test is designed a bit harder than the ACT Reading Test. With connected-questions, supplementary material and random passage order, the SAT Reading Test has complications that students must avoid underestimating…

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