Newsletter #13-September 2020


Building Healthy Communities!

In our effort to build healthy, safe and sustainable communities, we would like to encourage students, parents and community members to work together! 

Presidio Education® has gathered thousands of supplies, including masks, sanitizers, soaps, water bottles, backpacks and first aid kits, that will be donated to the homeless in San Francisco. We'll post pictures soon!

Sofia Robles, our Sustainability Team Captain (College Intern), has written an article on leading a healthy lifestyle. As many lead very busy lives, her article reminds everyone to take care of their health!

Likewise, Anthony Du, one of our leading 11th graders, has written an article on Social Distancing Urgency to remind us about this crucial safety guideline. He reminds us to be responsible for our actions and to consider the severe consequences of underestimating social distancing.

We have also received many entry papers for our Sustainability Project Competition (SPC). Winners will join our next Presidio Impact project in Asia next April 2021. Students will work together to solve challenging sustainability problems to help impoverished children. Students will then fly together with faculty chaperones on an all-expenses paid trip to execute their projects. This is a wonderful service opportunity for students who want to help build communities!

SPC & Presidio Impact 2020-2021

The Presidio Education® Sustainability Project Competition (SPC) is back! This time, we've joined the SPC with our next Presidio Impact Project in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, or Indonesia. Students will complete a sustainability entry paper by Sunday, November 1, 2020. Selected winners will...


Sofia Robles, Sustainability Team Captain (College Intern). Photography by Presidio Education®.

Sofia Robles, Sustainability Team Captain (College Intern). Photography by Presidio Education®.


Developing a Healthy Lifestyle

By Sofia Robles, Sustainability Team Captain (College Intern) 

People tend to distinguish health as solely mental and physical. Health, however, is made up of various components: social, spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and occupational. All aspects of health are essential because they are interdependent. For instance, while an injury...

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Dot distribution map of global COVID-19 cases. As of Monday, September 21, 2020, global cases are above 31 million. Source: Johns Hopkins University, 2020.

Dot distribution map of global COVID-19 cases. As of Monday, September 21, 2020, global cases are above 31 million. Source: Johns Hopkins University, 2020.

Social Distancing Urgency

By Anthony Du, 11th Grader 

During a pandemic, everyone’s responsibility is to keep themselves and the people around them safe. In order to avoid unknowingly getting themselves or others sick, people need to practice proper self-quarantine and maintain good social distancing. A large factor causing the massive COVID-19 outbreak...

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