Newsletter #40-December 2022


Congrats Early Decision Students!

Early Decision Acceptances for Class of 2023

We're so proud to hear that many of our Early Decision (ED) students for the Class of 2023 were accepted to their dream schools. This is wonderful news! All those years of hard training and late nights studying finally paid off. Congrats to all our students, especially the ones that worked so hard to gain acceptance into Ivy Leagues!

Boonchoo Home for Special Children

Presidio Education® and Palisades Contemporary Living in Thailand have joined together on a huge superhero theme charity day to support over 260 special needs orphans in Pattaya, Thailand. Angelina Wang, Sustainability Team Project Leader, helped design the poster that is currently displayed around town in Pattaya. We're still gathering donations for much-needed resources for these poor orphans. Please contact our Sustainability Team to find out how you can help! 

Identifying Four Learning Types, by Brittney Powers, Content Editor

Brittney Powers, Content Editor, wrote an article titled, "Identifying Four Learning Types". Each student learns in their own way. This is why we must be open-minded when identifying what works best for each student. Patience and understanding will help accommodate all students.

Ukraine Refugee Children Fundraiser Closing

We're so humbled with all the donations we've received for our student-led Ukraine Impact Project 2022. Please help us spread the word so we may save these poor Ukrainian refugee children. As of Wednesday, December 28, 2022, we've raised $7,140.00 United States Dollars (USD) thanks to your generous support! We'll be closing this GoFundMe campaign towards the end of 2022. Thank you everyone!

Boonchoo Home for Special Children

Organized by Presidio Education®

On Saturday, January 14, 2023, our Presidio Education® Team will host a charity day with Palisades Contemporary Living for the Boonchoo Home for Special Children. Our superhero theme charity day will focus on supporting over 260 orphans with special needs in Pattaya, Thailand. Please contact our Sustainability Team to find our how you can help these special needs orphans. Thank you!

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Identifying Four Learning Types

By Brittney Powers, Content Editor

Teachers all over the world are often taught to follow a certain curriculum to teach their students. This presents difficulties with ensuring that each student will learn productively. Each child interprets information differently. Various methods of teaching accommodate a diversity of learning styles. We, as individuals, need to take action...

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Ukraine Impact Project 2022

Sponsored by Presidio Education®

Thank you everyone for donating to our Ukraine Impact Project 2022. Our student-led sustainability project is supporting the suffering Ukrainian refugee children, many of whom are now orphans. As of Wednesday, December 28, 2022, we've raised $7,140.00 United States Dollars (USD) thanks to your generous support! We'll be closing this GoFundMe fundraiser towards the end of 2022.

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