Education is a Fundamental Human Right
Why Education Should be A Basic Human Right
Education should be considered a basic human right for all, not just those who have money and resources. The right to education means that all children should have the right to go to school and receive a free and quality education without discrimination. Being able to have an education helps one know one’s own human rights. Education not only improves one’s chances in life, but an education decreases social inequalities, lessens poverty and empowers one to reach one’s full potential. Both individuals and society benefit from the right to education. Education is fundamental for human, social, and economic development and a key element to achieving lasting peace and sustainable development. An education is a powerful tool in developing the full potential of everyone and ensuring human dignity, and in promoting individual and collective well-being.
Education is Not Seen as a Basic Human Right
Education may seem like it is available to everyone, but the sad truth is that illiteracy and lack of access to a proper education is very common. In third world countries especially, education is not available to all children and adults. Only those with money and connections can receive a quality education. While there may be free public schools, many children whose families live in poverty cannot afford uniforms, school supplies, or transportation to school. Education must be considered a human rights issue along with the right to food or the right to freedom. The right to education means that primary, secondary and higher education are available to all. Fundamental education for those who missed out on primary school should be encouraged and available to educate adults who did not have the opportunity to receive an education: “103 million youth worldwide lack basic literacy skills, and more than 60 percent of them are women” (“Goal 4: Quality Education”). No child deserves to grow up illiterate or uneducated, especially in today’s modern world.
How We Can Ensure the Right to Education
Governments must guarantee that education is always available. In each school there must be adequate materials, classrooms and trained teachers. Education must be of high quality and include relevant information that is appropriate and enriching. We, as a society, need to come together and start placing more importance on the value of education. One way to help achieve this is by donating money to charities that strictly benefit the advancement of the education of underprivileged children or donate school supplies to charitable organizations that help with providing children the school supplies they need. Another great way to help is to volunteer as a peer tutor.
Presidio Education® Cebu Impact Project in Hipodromo Elementary School, Cebu, Philippines. Source: Presidio Education® 2018.
“Goal 4: Quality Education”. United Nations Development Programme (n.d.). Accessed 1 August, 2020.