Posts in Interns
Stress Management

Whether we like stress or not, many people experience stress. Stress can often be caused by one’s surroundings and is the body’s reaction to physical or mental change. Stress is an inherent bodily reaction that can be caused by one’s thoughts, surroundings, or other factors. The stress that we feel can affect our bodies and minds in both positive and negative ways. However, we tend to look down upon stress as a negative feeling.

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Identifying Four Learning Types

Teachers all over the world are often taught to follow a certain curriculum to teach their students. This presents difficulties with ensuring that each student will learn productively. Each child interprets information differently. Various methods of teaching accommodate a diversity of learning styles. We, as individuals, need to take action in order to identify how we learn best. Proactive learning can foster confidence and a more impactful education.

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Importance of Volunteer Work

Volunteer work is the backbone within our society that helps those who are unable to help themselves. The world today has so many people who need our help and have been sadly cast aside by society. In order to help build a better world, we need to influence our nation’s youth to give back to their community through volunteering. If we start to ingrain the importance of volunteer work into our children now, they will teach their children the same, creating generations of more compassionate and loving children.

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Education is a Fundamental Human Right

Education should be considered a basic human right for all, not just those who have money and resources. The right to education means that all children should have the right to go to school and receive a free and quality education without discrimination. Being able to have an education helps one know one’s own human rights. Education not only improves one’s chances in life, but an education decreases social inequalities, lessens poverty and empowers one to reach one’s full potential. Both individuals and society benefit from the right to education.

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Developing a Healthy Lifestyle

People tend to distinguish health as solely mental and physical. Health, however, is made up of various components: social, spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and occupational. All aspects of health are essential because they are interdependent. For instance, while an injury can induce physical harm, the stress can also be detrimental to one’s emotional health. All aspects need to be brought to attention as they all connect and serve a purpose. There are countless reasons why one looks toward living healthier. These reasons can be to look more fit, prevent certain diseases and increase energy.

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InternsSofia RoblesComment