Newsletter #15-November 2020


Join Our Presidio Impact Projects!


We need all communities to join together to end poverty. In many cities, homeless rates are soaring. With the COVID-19 pandemic, many homeless people are forced back onto the streets for fear of spreading this deadly virus inside shelters. Now, more than ever, the homeless communities need our help.

At Presidio Education®, we believe in leading by example. As part of our SF Impact Project 2020, on Saturday, October 31, 2020, our San Francisco team packed up 1,100 masks, 900 bottles of soap, 600 pairs of socks, 200 bottles of sanitizer and a bunch of other supplies for the homeless. We drove around the city donating new backpacks full of these much-needed hygiene supplies to 100 homeless people. This was just a small act in comparison to the nearly 10,000 homeless people in San Francisco.

Please contact our Sustainability Team to find out how you can join in the fight to end homelessness! Every bit of kindness counts. Every bit of compassion can be the difference to the suffering. Thank you!


San Francisco Impact

Please read our stories from Ryan Young, English Teacher, and Martin Nobida, English Teacher, on how we helped the San Francisco homeless. We met so many people suffering from lack of hygiene resources, medical attention, food and shelter. 

Our Presidio Education® SF Impact Project 2020

By Ryan Young, English Teacher

On Saturday, October 31, 2020, our team drove around San Francisco donating new backpacks filled with hygiene supplies, including 1,100 masks, 900 bottles of soap, 600 pairs of socks, 200 bottles of sanitizer, toilet kits, first aid kits, clothes, feminine products, toilet paper, reusable Bisphenol-A (BPA)-free water bottles, drinks and... 

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