Explaining the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam


Advanced Placement (AP) Chinese Language and Culture is an increasingly popular choice for students. Many students that choose this AP are native Mandarin Chinese speakers but proficiency with the Chinese language is not enough to perform well in this exam. From previous experiences, we have seen students take a casual approach to AP Chinese and severely underperform in the exam. Whether students are native speakers or are self-studying AP Chinese, we, at Presidio Education®, strongly advise all students to familiarize themselves with the AP Chinese Language and Culture exam format. 

The Exam Format

Students familiar with AP exams will know that there are usually two sections. Section 1 contains multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and Section 2 contains free-response questions (FRQs). However, foreign language APs, such as AP Chinese Language and Culture, are structured differently. Both Section 1 and Section 2 and broken down into two (2) individual sections. Please see the table below for a breakdown of the sections and their respective question types, exam weight and time allowed.

AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam Breakdown

Section Question Type Number of Questions Exam Weight Time
Multiple-Choice Listening
Listening Selections
10 Minutes
10 minutes
Multiple-Choice Reading
Reading Selections 35-40 25% 60 Minutes
Free-Response Writing
Story Narration
Email Response
15 Minutes
15 minutes
Free-Response Speaking
Cultural Presentation
4 Minutes
7 minutes

The two (2) MCQ sections take a total time of 80 minutes and the two (2) FRQ sections take a total time of 41 minutes. Therefore, the total AP Chinese Language and Culture exam time is approximately 121 minutes. The number of each of the specific MCQs will vary for each exam but there will always be a total of 70 MCQs. There will always be four (4) FRQs in the exam. 

How the Exam is Administered

Unlike other AP exams, the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam is taken on a computer. This is crucial information as using the computer creates entirely different challenges for students. Pencil and paper should be provided but only to be used for note taking that will not be assessed and all answers are recorded using the computer. There will also be a choice for students to view the exam in traditional or simplified Chinese characters, which can be toggled if necessary.

Headphones will be provided for the Section 1A multiple-choice listening questions. Students will need to focus once the exam begins as there will not be the option to pause or skip between questions. Listening to instructions is also just as important as listening to the questions. Section 1B multiple-choice reading questions are more straightforward, as students are able to move back and forth between questions. 

Section 2A free-response writing questions require students to type their responses using the keyboard. This means that there is no handwriting option in the AP Chinese Language and Culture exam. Students will be given the option of two different input methods: Microsoft Pinyin IME (MSPY), which is based on Hanyu Pinyin, or the Microsoft New Phonetic IME, which is based on Zhuyin Fuhao (Bopomofo). Therefore, students must practice and familiarize themselves with either of these Chinese text input methods. 

What is Tested in the Exam


To promote the use of the Chinese language in a variety of contexts, College Board has taken a thematic approach to assess the AP Chinese Language and Culture exam.  There are six (6) key themes that students must incorporate into their Chinese language learning structure. These six themes are Families and Communities, Personal and Public Identities, Beauty and Aesthetics, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, and Global Challenges. These themes provide context for students to communicate and display their proficiency in Chinese. Practicing listening, reading, writing and speaking Chinese using these six (6) key themes will be crucial for students to achieve a high AP score. All the questions within the AP Chinese exam are designed to test students on their Chinese skills within the six (6) key themes.

Any Further Questions?

Please contact the Presidio Education® team using our contact form if you have any questions. Our experienced faculty can provide AP Chinese Language and Culture training for high school students at all levels.