Developing a Healthy Lifestyle
David Robles taking a water break during his soccer workout. Photograph by Presidio Education® Sustainability Team Captain (College Intern) Sofia Robles, 2020.
Importance of Health
People tend to distinguish health as solely mental and physical. Health, however, is made up of various components: social, spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and occupational. All aspects of health are essential because they are interdependent. For instance, while an injury can induce physical harm, the stress can also be detrimental to one’s emotional health. All aspects need to be brought to attention as they all connect and serve a purpose. There are countless reasons why one looks toward living healthier. These reasons can be to look more fit, prevent certain diseases and increase energy. Beginning a nutritious lifestyle journey starts with simple steps. Setting realistic goals can be the best way to start. One neither needs to jump into exercising excessively nor restricting one’s diet. Placing realistic expectations and planning ahead will achieve these goals.
Healthy Habits
Living a healthier lifestyle starts with reflecting upon one’s current lifestyle. Taking note of the daily choices that are being made can improve habits. Considering how one spends free time and reflecting in what ways one may enhance productivity are important. Simply adjusting schedules to wake earlier can leave more to accomplish in the day. Instead of sleeping in, one can use those extra hours for useful activities. For example, one may meditate, exercise, or start on schoolwork. Waking up early also provides one the chance to eat breakfast, an important meal that many tend to skip. Looking to improve one’s nutrition starts in the kitchen. One simply should be conscious of what is being consumed daily. That does not mean to completely cut out all sweets. The trick is to enjoy them in moderation. Everyone functions in their own way.
While one may have an easy time staying active and exercising, another may face some sort of challenge that hinders another to do so. Likewise, another may know how to eat clean, but struggle with pushing to exercise. Habits can be developed over time and what works for one may not work for another. We can use another’s healthy habits to spark ideas, but each person should come up with personal roadmaps of what they should do to be healthy.
Fruit is a healthy alternative to fast food. Photograph by Presidio Education® Sustainability Team Captain (College Intern) Sofia Robles, 2020.
All in the Mindset
Ultimately, individuals are the only ones who can make the switch to a more nutritious way of living. This all starts with realizing one’s true potential. Having a growth mindset encourages one to reach one’s potential and goals. A growth mindset allows one to constantly think outside the box and embrace challenges. Conversely, another may oftentimes give up, which places restrictions on finding solutions. Talents and abilities are seen as fixed with no room to improve. Low-self esteem may create difficult obstacles that hinder healthier decisions. However, viewing oneself in a more positive light is needed to motivate change. An individual with a fixed mindset can evolve into a growth mindset but must begin internally.
A growth mindset recognizes the power one holds over oneself. In the case of nutrition, one with a fixed mindset may give up easily or believe that dieting and exercising can never be achieved. One may experience a fallout with something, such as a diet, and give up entirely. However, with a growth mindset, one is able to reassure oneself that one can accomplish goals through organization, focus and determination. Despite struggles, one can learn from these challenges. One does not solely focus on fallouts nor roadblocks, but rather on one’s overall progression. Remaining positive and open-minded are the most effective ways to reach goals and steer away from excuses.
David Robles preparing for the timed mile run. Photograph by Presidio Education® Sustainability Team Captain (College Intern) Sofia Robles, 2020.
Consistency is the Key
Although many may find starting a nutritional way of living easier, many struggle to maintain that healthy lifestyle. This is the reason many diets are proven ineffective. They are short-term and lead one to fall right back to where one was initially. Staying to a routine takes time, which differs for each individual. A routine does not need to be rushed. One can start slowly and build gradually. Once the consistency is gained, one can place rewards. These rewards can be anything, no matter how big or how small, that bring happiness. Consistency is a skill that while maintained over time, will help one reach nutritional goals.