Humanities covers a wonderful variety of subjects, including culture, history, law, politics, language, literature, visual arts and philosophy. Learning to have a fair and open-minded approach to this complex subject material will only further English writing and critical thinking skills. Gathering evidence, such as facts, statistics, and primary and secondary sources, is crucial. Students must learn to think outside the box, to be creative with ideas and to offer bold theses and hypotheses.
Studying Human Society and Culture
Understanding how human beings interact with one another depends on studying cultures. Gathering demographic data is not enough. Students must question why societies make certain decisions, or why cultures value particular traditions or beliefs. Students must set aside bias in order to analyze equitably. Too often students may rush to judgement without being fully aware of the whole picture or mitigating circumstances. Thus, students must learn how to treat each other with respect, understanding and compassion.
Developing Powerful Research Projects
Humanities subject material is much more than simply rote memorization of names and dates. Students must learn to research and take effective notes. We help students sharpen research skills by teaching them how to plan, organize and execute sound research projects. Creating projects like everyone else will neither accelerate student growth nor spark ingenuity. Our faculty teaches students to be leaders in the classroom and to brainstorm original ideas that will truly elevate critical thinking skills.
Learning Effective Note-Taking Strategies
To ensure students truly grasp complex passages, our faculty teaches students to take effective notes by identifying unknown words, locating key words or phrases that are crucial to reading comprehension, and identifying subtle areas that require in-depth inferences. Our note-taking strategies teach students how to locate key parts of passages quickly while maximizing time management.
Mastering Sharp Time Management
Unfortunately, the reality is many students often struggle with time management, effectively organizing schedules and executing assignments without procrastination. Assignment quality is often not as high when students rush. This is why our faculty helps students plan assignments out well in advance, ensures students stick to milestones and drafts, and pushes to keep an open dialogue.
foundation for English Literature
A strong Humanities foundation is crucial for future English literature subjects and ambitious writing assignments. Students must learn how to engage in a variety of challenging perspectives, anticipate counterarguments or weaknesses within personal arguments, differentiate the subtleties between literal and figurative meanings, offer insightful inferences and strengthen vocabulary.